’Tis the season for pumpkin spiced latte, but we’re looking at a different golden drink which packs a ton of benefits, and the main ingredient is probably something you already have on your spice rack: turmeric. Enter: golden milk, the health drink people won’t stop posting about on Instagram.
What is Golden Milk?
Golden milk, dear friends, is essentially turmeric latte and it’s gaining popularity for its many health benefits. The practice of using spices to heal dates back to Ayurvedic medicine, and the #GoldenMilk movement has been dropping in and out of the Instagram and Pinterest radar over a few years.
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What does it taste like?
In your typical golden milk, you’d find turmeric, cinnamon and sometimes ginger and black pepper. The drink, usually served hot, is creamy with a not-overwhelming hint of earthiness from the spices. For reference, it’s not as sharp as your typical chai latte (looking at you, chai haters).
But then, what is Golden Mylk?
Some people are apparently using the term ‘mylk’ to differentiate golden milk, which uses dairy milk, from recipes that use non-lactose alternatives like almond or soy milk.
What’s so great about it?
Turmeric, obviously
Studies vary slightly, but there’s a general consensus about the benefits of turmeric: that it is anti-inflammatory, reduces skin irritation, helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, improves digestion, boosts immunity, increases metabolism to aid fat loss, and relieves stomach aches and muscle pain, among other positive effects. Some even claim that it delays the onset of Type 2 diabetes, prevents depression and Alzheimer’s disease, and fights cancer, though there has not yet been any conclusive evidence to call turmeric the miracle ingredient.

It’s a good alternative for coffee
As described above, turmeric does sound like good brain food, which means that it could be far better drink to kickstart your day than coffee or matcha (both of which have caffeine).
It looks as good as it tastes
That rich, bright colour already does half the work for you, no filter needed.

Where can I find it?
Today, many cafés, superfood curators and whole food stores across the globe have the drink on the menu, or sell it as an instant drink mix. Even Starbucks caught onto the trend, although they currently only have it on the menu in the United Kingdom, and it’s actually an additional shot of turmeric to the standard latte (therefore not caffeine-free). Here are a few golden milk sources to get you started.
Singapore: Golden Mylk, online
Hong Kong: Spicebox Organics Café, 137 Caine Road, Mid-levels or 39-45 Hau Wo Street, Kennedy Town
Indonesia: Bali Direct, online
Australia: Golden Grind, online
Canada: Botanica Health, in stores nationwide and online
United Kingdom: Deliciously Ella, 18-20 Weighhouse Street, London
Can I make it from scratch at home?
Of course you can, you DIY crackerjack! You’ll find many recipes online, but we’ll summarise them for you:
1. Heat a cup of milk of your choice in a saucepan over medium heat. Don’t allow the milk to come to a boil.
2. Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and cinnamon powder, honey and vanilla to taste. Stir well.
3. You may also add a small pinch of ginger powder, black pepper or cayenne pepper (or all three, but in even smaller pinches!) to give your drink a kick.
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