We honestly can’t think of any pros for long-haul flights, besides the destination that is, which is so worth it. No room for your legs, paper cups falling everywhere, and trying not to fall asleep on your neighbour’s shoulder are just some of the things that can and will go wrong — unless you’re flying first class. If you’re really unlucky, you’ll be seated next to some of these types of annoying passengers (it could even be you though). Our advice? Put on a onesie (you’ll have the last laugh) and practice these tips from other seasoned travellers.
Read also: How to combat jet lag so you never miss a sunrise.
#1 It Starts With the Right Seat

There is one key rule we often disregard: never book a middle seat. If you know you’ll need to use the bathroom a lot, do yourself and your neighbours a favour and book the aisle seat. The best seat, if you’re lucky enough to nab it, is at the very front row where no one really comes by, except the food trolley — plus point! An extra tip is to be very friendly with the crew, small talk here and there coupled with a big smile could get you bunked to a better seat if the flight isn’t too full.
#2 Less is More

Ever wondered why airport style is such a huge deal, when it’s basically just leggings and a big t-shirt? Back in the ‘golden age of travel’, only the elite could afford to fly. Naturally, it became the epitome of luxury and passengers came dressed to the nines. These days, anyone most people can afford to fly, so save your best outfits for the actual destination and wear clothes you can move in and breathe in. You can never go wrong in stretchy pants and a big sweater.
#3 It’s The Little Things

We hate to include the obvious eye mask in this list, but you might appreciate the simple things when you see the big picture. When it’s bright outside, our bodies release a hormone that tells the brain to wake up. Darkness has the opposite effect and ‘sleep hormones’ are released. Airlines hand out really flimsy eye masks so you’d be better off investing in a soft, comfortable one. To really create a restful ambiance, we like a good facial mist like this simple one from Bobbi Brown, if like us, you can’t sleep quite right unless your skin feels clean and refreshed.
#4 Pillow Talk

There are so many neck and travel pillows out there, but nothing beats the Travel Rest Pillow… yet (Boeing’s possible new ‘cuddle chairs’ look really comfortable). It’s no 10-layer Heavenly Bed, but it’s the next best thing. The pillow attaches to your seat like a seat belt made from fluffy clouds, while keeping your neck at an ache-free angle. Thankfully it folds up nicely so you won’t have to carry it around — it isn’t the prettiest accessory.
#5 Get up And Stretch

Showing you what NOT to do is Alec Baldwin’s wife Hilaria, a yoga instructor demonstrating how you annoy passengers at 35, 000 feet. But it is important to stretch your muscles and get your blood flowing every few hours so you don’t put yourself at risk for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Instead of a ‘warrior 3’ that might kick a fellow flier in the face, take a walk to the bathroom or stretch in your seat. Please.