#1 Thou shall always keep it light and breezy

It’s a vacay fling. If there are things such as beer goggles, there are tan goggles and bikini-martini goggles (you get the drift). Just because the location’s got you on a high, it doesn’t mean he’s a good guy.
#2 Thou shalt keep friends in the friendzone

It’s tempting – you know them, they know you. Could it be that you were always meant to be? Chances are, no. Unless you don’t see much of each other in normal-day-wear while sober.
#3 Thou shall expect nothing

Go into it expecting absolutely nothing in return. In fact, go into it like jumping into the sea naked. Get a shock, be thrilled, and don’t plan your way around; that makes it much more fun.
#4 Thou shall wrap it up
This might easily be commandment number #1. In the sack. In bed. If you know what we mean. You should! Do we need to draw you a diagram??? Otherwise, you might end up with one of these annoying little brats.
#5 Thou shall not abandon your friends (if any)

If you came on a group trip, the last thing you want to do is abandon the people who agreed to come with you. If you must, bring the holiday hookup. He/she is only a temp, after all. Your friends rank gold.
#6 Take good we-fies

The only exception to this rule is if you have a honey back home, then kiss and never tell. In which case, naughty you. If you don’t, you’ll want to immortalise this moment in time.
#7 All good things must come to an end

The be-all-and-end-all rule for all holiday hookups: it must come to an end. Either that, or one of you consider moving and face real life together, or spend the rest of your life in a long distance relationship. Desirable? We didn’t think so.
Do you have any holiday hookup rules to share, nomads?
Main photo: 1.
Photo credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.