We love how we can spot the tourist just by how they dress. So we’re superficial – sue us! This list may be a generalisation but you have to admit, some people are seriously guilty of these tourist fashion fails!
1. The seriously fake tanned Brit

It’s not easy getting fake tan right… but how do you get them so, so wrong??
2. Chinese and their LV

Evidently, her entire luggage costs $52,000. And she’s a soldier. We can’t make the connection, but it seems even their standard issue uniform must include Louis Vuitton (either that, or they’re fake).
3. Aussies and their thongs

We’re so sorry to inflict this image upon your innocent eyes. Another thing we don’t get – not wearing shoes in any other area other than the beach… ghsdjhfkshfs is all we can say!
4. Germans and their sock-sandals

So what’s worse than not wearing shoes? Wearing shoes that make no sense. Sock-sandals are never going to happen. Stop trying to make them happen!
5. Singapore hipsters

“Although it’s 30ºC out, Imma wear skinny jeans, a cardi, hang out at a bespoke cafe with my Ray Bans, drinking a hot bespoke latte.” You DO know that dressing like a hipster doesn’t count unless you’re actually living like one, right? Besides, it’s so last year.
6. ‘Murican gangsta wannabes

Even if you were gangsters, how would your low pants benefit your badassery in any way?
7. Korean Klones

Silicone in the City. Will the real human please stand up?