Just when you’re prepping for Christmas, happy-go-lucky Jupiter decides to shift into no-nonsense Capricorn. We know it’s holiday season but there’s some slack to be picked up before the start of the new decade!
Aries Mar 21-Apr 19

We know it’s party season but you may want to pause before jumping on the first flight out of here with the first exciting stranger (or worse, ex!) that crosses your path. It may seem unnatural but do try to reign in your impulses for once.
Taurus Apr 20-May 20

Now is not the time to hold back for petty reasons. You’ve been working hard and now it’s time to treat yourself. Go straight for first class. There might be a potential business partner waiting in the lounge! Or a casual fling cutie. The stars weren’t clear.
Gemini May 21-June 20

The full moon enters your sign on the 11th and things are going to get karmic! You’re overflowing with charisma so be weary you’re not leading your holiday fling into something a little more long-lasting than you were intending.
Cancer June 21-July 22

You cannot escape your fate. Which isn’t as doom and gloom as it sounds, in fact it’s quite the opposite. Your mood may be a little rebellious but you’re about to see things come into fruition better than you could have ever dreamed. Watch out for Christmas!
Leo July 23-Aug 22

Hope you’ve surrounded yourself with people who love to watch you shine because you’re about to be covered in glitter and gold! You’re about to outshine even your own expectations and everyone’s going to congratulate you for it.
Virgo Aug 23-Sep 22

Something sinful this way comes. Are you going to turn up your nose and head on home or sample the delights and let it lead you down the path of excitement, adventure and the unknown? The latter may, or may not, involve spontaneous travel with your lover.
Libra Sep 23-Oct 22

As the year comes to a close you may just find yourself itching to put your place for rent on Airbnb and haphazardly shoving your suitcase shut. Don’t run away just yet, your soulmate is around the corner and is more than ready to go with you.
Scorpio Oct 23-Nov 21

Collaborating with people may not be the first thing that comes to mind but letting the world know what goes on in your twisted mind could just be the very ingredient you’ve been missing. Get your flirt on, you never know what doors await you!
Sagittarius Nov 22-Dec 21

It’s the last four weeks of the year, what are you reflecting on? You’re unusually serious for this time of year but don’t be alarmed. You’re just saying goodbye to a decade of your life and making room for the next one. It’s what humans do!
Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 19

Lucky planet Jupiter is in your sign for a whole year and it’s kicking off a new cycle in your life. Everything you thought you knew, you’re going to relearn in new light. You are so brave and strong and resilient, you won’t be staying put anywhere for long!
Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18

So you missed out on booking your Christmas ski trip this year. No worries at all! There’s the beach calling if you want but really, there’s no shame in admitting (to yourself) you’ve outgrown a certain destination. There’s a whole world out there waiting for you!
Pisces Feb 19-Mar 20

Pull it together, you’re about to embark on an adventure you never imagined for yourself. And it’s going to be a wild one! The stories you’re going to put together are going to be out of this world. Enough with the moping and just have faith in yourself already!