Ironically, it’s one of the world’s best honeymoon destinations. originally posted this discovery, writing that if things didn’t work out in the Maldives, at least there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Read also: 8 Interesting Things About the Maldives.

The UN says the average 30-year old Maldivian female will get three divorces in her lifetime. For every 1,000 people, that’s 11 divorces each year.
Belarus is the country with the second highest number of divorces at 5.5 divorces for every 1,000 people, but even so, that totals up to only half of the number of divorces in the Maldives. Surprisingly, the U.S only comes in third, with a little over 4 divorces for every 1,000 people.
The article also explains why so many marriages in paradise end. Maldives is a Muslim country that follows Sharia’ah Law, so apparently, many people get married for reasons such as having a legal way to have sex. It isn’t hard to do either (no pun intended); it doesn’t cost very much to get legally married with a certificate to prove it.
Just as easy, is getting a divorce. A Maldivian man only needs to declare he is getting a divorce out loud and in the presence of a witness. But women will need to get some paperwork done if they want to seek divorce, and that’s only if the judge decides the grounds for divorce are justified.
The good news is that the U.N and local government offer couples counselling.
But what about countries with better luck with marriage? Libya has the lowest divorce rate in the world. Other countries with the lowest divorce rates include Italy, Mexico and Turkey.